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Forgo Bodywash
FUWL Venture


The personal care industry is obsessed with claims like clean ingredients, and eco-friendly. What is there to substantiate these claims? The most toxic ingredient in your clean ingredients personal care routine is the plastic bottle. During the last 15 years, as we have become more environmentally aware, brands have produced half the world’s plastic waste. Products delivered to your home generate 4x the amount of packaging waste. As we have seen throughout 2020 and 2021 our supply chains are stressed. Instead of making timeless goods, manufacturers are optimizing their ability to create single use plastics with lower emissions and a false hope of their plastics ever being recycled.


Our process began by building a refillable bottle around ease of mixing, and ease of pumping powder-to-gel body wash. We needed a material that was shower, and tub friendly. Stainless steel won out over recycled plastics, aluminum, and clay. The body wash bottle is a part of a bigger picture. It’s a part of the FORGO product range, which we’ve strategically built a system upon. Future products will all fit within the formal language where less is better.


The stainless steel bottle builds on the same brand language as the hand wash. We both strategically and aesthetically designed the language to work across multiple materials and future products. The body wash, in and of itself, is a low waste, low emissions, and low toxin alternative to the single use packaged liquids we use today. 

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